Friday, May 27, 2016

Consequences Of Stress on Children's Development

            In almost all families of every income, ethnicity, and nation, parents want to protect their children while fostering their growth. Yet far more children die from violence-either accidental or deliberate-than from any specific disease (Berger, 2016). I can honestly say, I have never as a child had to deal with any of these stressors. I see a lot of these stressors everyday, because I work with families that is associated with these kind of problems.
             I had a family that was dealing with violence. Mom had three children that was 5, 12, and 14 years of age. The dad was hurting the oldest, because he was not his biological child. Mom knew this was happening, but she would find some way to make an excuse. The dad was beating the child with his fist, or anything he felt like picking up at the time. Mom was by making excuses, making promises or just acting like she really didn't know what was going on in her house. Mom would asked the child, "How did you do that.?" Mom knew dad was doing this to her child. Mom would also promise the child that she would buy them something or take them somewhere special if they wouldn't tell anyone what happen. I asked mom was this her way of surviving by lying and hiding the truth. Mom told me that I could not tell her how to run her house. I told mom that I may not can tell her how to run her house, but I am a mandated reporter.
              One day I did a pop up visit at their house. When I open my car door, I could hear the screaming, crying, and pleading for someone to stop. As I was approaching the door, I dialed 911. When I open the door, the child was covered in blood, and barely moving. The police walked in an immediately grab dad. The child had been beaten with a child's plastic bat. I called CPS and they came and removed the other children. mom went to jail with dad. The child has some memory loss, and has lost mobility to his right arm. This was stress on the entire family, because it was stressful on mom and the child for lying. The child was dealing with the most stress, because he had to make sure he was doing all the right things to keep dad from hurting him, but what was the right thing? Child Abuse is violence.

Here are some other regions and countries where children are experiencing stressors like war, poverty, racism, natural disaster, isolation, hunger, noise, chaos, disease, environmental pollution, and violence.
Caribbean Region, Belize, Jamaica, Guyana, Barbados, Trinidad, Africa, and Kenya.
What happens to children's biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development when they experience these stressors?
These children can be emotionally torn down, and can become vulnerable. They can experience brain problems and physical problems. Other problems could be; humiliation, embarrassment, anxious, depression, anger problems, and worried about self or loved ones. All of these problems ties into the developing domains.

Berger, K. S. (2016). The developing person through childhood (7th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers


  1. Guadalupe, your post gave me chills. What a traumatic event for the children. The family is lucky to have someone like you who had their best interests at heart. Thank goodness you made that pop up visit, you saved the child life. I cannot imagine living in a home where physical abuse happens daily. I pray that the children are safe, healthy, and getting help to support healthy development.

    1. Thank you! The children are doing great and they are with a loving family that is also in the program.

  2. Guadalupe,
    This brought me to tears. As I was reading this, I could only whisper a prayer for this family. It is sad that our world has come to this. Whatever happened to loving people as we love God? Does this not exist anymore? I wonder if this was what the mother witnessed growing up? was the father the product of a vicious cycle? Thank you for your post

    1. This was mom's first time going through something like this. Dad was a drug user, and just really never cared for the child. Mom should have never married him, if he had a problem with her children.

  3. Guadalupe, what a dileama you were forced to deal with. You mentioned that both the child and mom had to deal with stress, but I fell that personally there was a lot of stress for you as well. My hats off to you for standing up and doing what was right despite the mother's resistance. This is a good example for those who do not believe teachers are under stress every day. Sometimes, it is just because we care so much about each and every child under our care.

    1. Thanks Veryl, I am a mandated reporter, and a state officer. I had to do my job.

  4. Guadalupe, what a dileama you were forced to deal with. You mentioned that both the child and mom had to deal with stress, but I fell that personally there was a lot of stress for you as well. My hats off to you for standing up and doing what was right despite the mother's resistance. This is a good example for those who do not believe teachers are under stress every day. Sometimes, it is just because we care so much about each and every child under our care.

  5. Guadalupe,
    Excellent post, you are somebody's superhero. Sometimes mothers need strength to remove people that are willing to do harm to their children, kids father or not. Thank god that child is still alive, able to function. What would have happene if you ha not shown up, they would have be been in jail for murder. This very emotional for me because children are innocent and beautiful inside and out, they do not deserve it. Great post, you are a hero, and great leadership, you are the voice to those that do not have one.


    1. Thank you Jackeline, I love my job, but I don't like it when I have to witnessed things like this. I feel bad for a woman that have to live in fear like that everyday. I feel for the children, because they are only going to speak when mom gives the ok.
      Thank you
