Friday, March 17, 2017


I have learned that communication comes in all shades and fashions. I have language is the key and how we use it can be effective or ineffective. I know that communication is very important, especially in the early childhood field. I love to watch ‘The Have and the Have-nots, because you can read the characters just by watching them. These characters use a lot of nonverbal communication. I see a lot of them using the channel discrepancy by using the nonverbal unintentional communication. The characters show that they have some ethnocentrism communication, because they are viewing other cultures in their own view and basically labeling the ones that they think doesn’t fit in their world. I also observed some intercultural communication challenges. While watching the show with the volume on; I saw some frustrations, dominating, aggressiveness, uncertainty and some multitasking in the communication area. I would like to let my colleagues know that nonverbal language can be tricky. Being knowledgeable about communication skills will enhance your learning. It will behoove my colleagues to learn the different characteristics for communication.


  1. I like this show as well, and it is true, that they use a lot of non verbal communications, by looking at their facial expressions gives the viewers a lot to think about what my happen next or what may have happen based on the actors.

  2. Hello Guadalupe,
    I do agree with you that nonverbal communication can be tricky, because actions and intension can really be missed. An action, gesture or act can have several meaning. To be an effective communicator one has to be able to understand non verbal cue properly and avoid making wrong assumption. In my exercise, I got the plot and relationships of some characters wrong when the sound was switched off.


  3. Hello Guadalupe,

    By becoming more aware of nonverbal communication and understanding what it might mean, we can learn to read people more easily. Which you proved in your review of this show, you had a complete understanding of the characters and the messages they were trying to convey.
